Feb 152013
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For those who couldn’t be at Highland for the Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event earlier this month, and for those who were there but want to relive it again, here are some more pictures, and some links to even more! Enjoy!

According to Mom and Dad, Tina and David, 15-month old Willie Hammond already takes his truck apart using a screwdriver! Dig those overalls!

Myers already loves tools according to his Dad, Derek. Dad says they’ve watched the Woodnews kids’ projects videos. He even grabbed that chisel from Dad – he’s ready to get woodworking!

Young Noah Pavel already owns one of these axes and hopes to collect more, according to Dad, Brett. (The other fellow in the photo is Allen Rosen, a competitive axe thrower, who they met here in front of the axe displays!)

Take a look at our full photo album on Facebook

Even more pictures here, including a few from Chris Schwarz’s Sunday class at Highland

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