Jan 272022
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This week we released the January 2022 episode of The Highland Woodworker, this time featuring woodcarver Randy Walters! We get to see some of Randy’s incredible relief carvings, and he even demonstrates some of his techniques. John Doyle from Popular Woodworking offers a great tip for anyone who has been frustrated trying to use paper […]

Jan 252022
Turning the Corner: Nut Hammer
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For the January 2022 issue of Wood News Online, Temple Blackwood followed up on his previous article about turning a proper nut bowl. This time he demonstrated how to make a companion nut hammer to go with it: The holidays here at home, as well as in the shop, included a full opportunity for visitors […]

Jan 132022
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In this short video, Michael Morton takes us on a tour of the Festool Domino DF 500 Q. The Festool Domino Joiner is a revolution never seen before in mortising. Making a mortise and tenon joint, though one of the strongest and most reliable ways to join wood, can also be challenging and tedious. Festool […]

Jan 112022
Book Review: Foundations of Woodworking By Michael Pekovich
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For the January 2022 issue of Wood News Online, Norm Reid reviewed Foundations of Woodworking by Michael Pekovich: While there are many good books that introduce woodworking to newcomers…none are perfect. Except, perhaps, Pekovich’s new book, Foundations of Woodworking. Read the rest of the review Purchase your own copy of Foundations of Woodworking Click this […]

Jan 062022
Stories from Grandpa's Workshop: King of the Pines
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For the January 2022 issue of Wood News Online, Bob Rummer shares some reflections on the King of Pines – western white pine: As a woodworker, I think about trees and forests and wood a lot. Show me some wavy grain and I will be drawn into deep thoughts about the meaning of life. There […]

Jan 032022
January 2022 Woodworking Poll: What is Your 2022 Woodworking Resolution?
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It’s a new year and as with the start of many new years, a lot of us have things we want to accomplish or change. This month we want to know if you have a resolution specifically geared toward woodworking and if so, what are you looking forward to accomplishing in your workshop for 2022? […]

Dec 232021
Project: Double Bass Build
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Way back in the December 2018 issue of Wood News Online, Steve Erling showed us how he built a beautiful double bass at his son’s request: My 30 year old son wanted to buy a double bass, but the cost for a good one was in the tens of thousands. He asked me if I […]