Jul 112019
Is it a Defect or a Feature?
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For the July issue of Wood News Online, Jeff Fleisher writes about the distinction between a defect or a feature, and how to change your attitude about it when doing custom woodworking projects: I recently overheard one of the students in my class say, “geez, I hope I don’t have to use this board because […]

Jul 082019
July Woodworking Poll: Happy Accidents or Plain Mistakes?
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Shall we call them happy accidents, or just plain mistakes? In a recent tip, we discussed preparing extra boards for a project that utilized used oak flooring. The rejection rate is pretty high, as many boards are warped, stained, bowed and bent. And that doesn’t even count the ones that the floor nails blew out […]

Jul 032019
Clothespin Magnets – Tips from Sticks in the Mud – July 2019 – Tip #2
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No Southern-fried Southern boy wants to be called a Yankee, but we share the characteristics of shrewdness and thrift. Thus, each month we include a money-saving tip from Sticks in the Mud woodworker, Jim Randolph. It’s OK if you call him “cheap.” I sent an email to Steve Johnson, and the background of an included […]

Jul 022019
Panel Making, Part 3 – Tips from Sticks in the Mud – July 2019 – Tip #1
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Welcome to “Tips From Sticks-In-The-Mud Woodshop.” I am a hobbyist who loves woodworking and writing for those who also love the craft. I have found some ways to accomplish tasks in the workshop that might be helpful to you, and I enjoy hearing your own problem-solving ideas. Please share them in the COMMENTS section of each […]

Jun 272019
A Tale of Three Boxes
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For the June issue of Wood News Online, Bob Rummer writes about what you need to know about making boxes that they don’t teach you in shop class: I have made a LOT of boxes in nearly 50 years of woodworking — toolboxes, jewelry boxes, tissue boxes, cabinet-sized boxes, bandsawn boxes, carved boxes, recipe boxes, […]

Jun 252019
Show Us Your Shop: Some of 2018's Featured Shops
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This past year, we’ve featured a wide array of shops in our monthly newsletter, Wood News Online, including Carter Choate’s shop and woodshed, Mike Ribelin’s basement workshop, and Rich Breed’s warm woodshop for snowy day woodworking. Take a look at some of these workshops for ideas and inspiration, or just for fun. And to read […]

Jun 202019
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Curtis Turner and his son show off this great project to do in the workshop with your kids this summer. The da Vinci Wooden Model Catapult Kit is just one of the wooden model kits available at Highland that will get your kids working in the shop and perhaps launch them into the world of […]